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San Antonio de Padua
5800 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd
Anaheim, CA 92807


Funerals are celebrated as needed and at a time convenient for grieving families. For Christians death is not the end of all life, but the final transition in life into the world to come where there will be no more dying. In these difficult moments, the parish community gathers around to support those who are grieving.

 Planning a Funeral:

Whenever death appears to be near at hand, please call the parish office, (714) 974-1416 ext. 109.

Families are invited to choose the scriptures and the music and to fully participate in the Funeral Mass. Our Bereavement Ministry helps families to prepare, and our excellent Music Ministry is also available.

Families often choose which parts of the funeral rites they would like to use. All baptized Catholics should have a Funeral (Mass with the body or the cremated remains present) or a Memorial Mass (Mass without the body or the cremated remains present) offered for the eternal life of the person who has died.

Cremation is permitted as long as there is no denial of our faith in the resurrection from the dead on the last day and as long as there is no intent to show disrespect for the body which is the temple of God. Burial in the ground is preferred as being more respectful.


San Antonio 2022 - Funeral Music Song Suggestions (with links).pdf

San Antonio - Funeral Readings_04062023.pdf

Catholic Funeral_Memorial Mass - Music and Liturgy Overview.pdf

Funeral Arrangements Request