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Religious Education

San Antonio de Padua
5800 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd
Anaheim, CA 92807
Patti Sarnecki & Misty Schumacher
[email protected]

Our goal is to teach Catholic Christian doctrine to Preschool through Junior High School aged children while encouraging a great prayer life, a closer relationship with Jesus, and a greater connection to the Body of Christ with each other. Through the light of instruction, our purpose is to inspire every person’s faith to become more loving, conscious, and alive. Registration is required for Preschool through Junior High Students.

San Antonio VBS 2024

Volunteer Opportunities


Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available to all children in Grades 1-6.  This class is offered as part of the Sunday 10:00am Masses. Registration is not required for Children’s Liturgy. Before the 1st reading during mass, the presiding priest will call up and dismiss all children who wish to participate. The children will learn about the gospel in a way that suits their given grade level in the RE classrooms. The children will return to mass after the homily.

Is your child potty-trained and 3-5 years old? Conversations about Jesus will ignite through fun, faith-based crafts, lots of snacks, and really BIG smiles. While you may choose to attend mass, your child can start to grow their faith lives through music, stories, crafts, and prayers!

Does your child need to complete their 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist? Our San Antonio catechists, aides, and staff are here to partner with you and your family on this never-ending faith journey. Our Eucharist program is a two-year process.

For children who have been baptized, they will start catechism classes in their 1st grade year. Grade 1 classes are offered on Monday’s at 3:30pm-4:45pm, Monday’s at 5:30pm-6:45pm, or Wednesday's at 3:30pm-4:45pm. 

In their 2nd grade year, students will enroll and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist while diving into questions such as: What is the Eucharist? What is absolution? What are the ten commandments? Why are the seven sacraments important? Grade 2 classes are offered on Monday’s at 3:30pm-4:45pm, Monday’s at 5:30pm-6:45pm, or Wednesday's at 3:30pm-4:45pm. 

If your child is baptized and older, you can enroll your child in our one-year Sacramental Preparation Program offered on Sunday’s at 8:30am-9:45am. This class typically consists of baptized children who are in 4th grade or older. 

If your child has not been baptized before the age of 8, they can enroll in our two-year Younger Children’s OCIA Program offered on Sunday’s, in which they will receive the sacraments of 1st Eucharist, Confirmation, and Reconciliation at the Easter Vigil in their second year of the program. 

Contact the RE Office at (714) 974 2053 for more information!

Classes for Grades 3-6 are offered on Monday’s at 3:30pm-4:45pm, Monday’s at 5:30pm-6:45pm, or Wednesday’s at 3:30pm-4:45pm. Through important conversations, fellowship, crafts, and activities, we will grow closer to Christ and one another at San Antonio.

Calling all 7th and 8th graders!! Join our Middle School Program to create crafts, engage in discussions, and form Catholic Christian fellowship on Monday nights at 7:00pm-8:15pm! Once a month during class time, an activity night will be hosted for teens to break away from typical class instruction. Activity nights are social nights with food, games, and activities to enjoy. Look out for activity night flyer information!